Why does she shares her whole Life with me?

Sometime a girl just needs a bestfriend not a boyfriend

Sep 23, 2021 - 18:50
Oct 9, 2021 - 03:52
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Why does she shares her whole Life with me?

If she is talking to you, talking her heart out, sharing her personals issues, happy moments, small and big achievements, it does not mean that she likes you or loves you. Sometimes you just need a person in life who can listen to you without any judgments, who can appreciate you and you don’t feel that there is no one to listen to you. Honestly, that happens a lot with people who don’t trust other people so easily. There can be a reason why she trusts you. Expecting something out of this is wrong on your part. If you feel something, then without any hesitation, go and ask her. If you really are that close, then there should not be any kind of misconceptions. Just ask her if she feels some way or the other for you, keeping in mind that you don’t hurt her feelings. The love affair is not something you have to have with someone you share your feelings with. And that’s pretty obvious. Relationships are not everything for a guy or a girl. This is totally possible that she might have feelings for you. But being doubtful of that, and thinking again and again whether she likes you or not would anyway damage your friendship with her any day. So just stop thinking and just ask her directly whether she has something for you or it’s just your misconception.

You will find that it just a vibe that matches and their is nothing else. She never thought about you in that perspective. A women never share her whole life with the guy she loves. Her guy knows only a little part of it. So if any girl shares you everything she is your best friend and she doesn’t have any feelings for you.

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Hitesh Jindam Can't be summarized. Living in a illusionary world of fantasy