Why do Indian women fear for casual dating or one night stand?

Sep 23, 2021 - 18:50
Oct 9, 2021 - 02:31
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Why do Indian women fear for casual dating or one night stand?

Casual dating is a western culture and many of them familiar with this, we also call it’s an open relationship. Indian guys are desperate of true love. If they date a girl they start dreaming of getting married to her in the first month of relationship. They start torturing the girl if she tries to leave him, as in he would do something wrong if she tries to leave him.

I have even seen guys putting cuts on their hand with a blade. Wtf dude have you lost the plot. Some guys torture a girl that he would tell her parents that we were in a relationship and we had sex.

These ones are crazy you should really hear them out. They are like ” If you start dating another guy, I would beat his ass up and create a mess”. Some guys start texting and calling after the breakup and they are like I want you back I felt alive with you and all the rubbish shit. I have seen a guy, he got blocked by the girl on every social platform so he wrote a 2 page email. You can’t judge the limit of these guys. Women in India have encountered such personality once in a lifetime and they are really afraid of these things. Many don’t understand the thing casual dating or a one-night stand. Their fear of being into an unwanted mess is genuine. Some Indian girls are also waiting for their prince charming and saving their virginity for him. Some girls like to have sex only when they are emotionally attached to someone. Its hard to find casual dating in India. It does exist but it’s around 5-7% in India.

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