Valorant Patch Notes 3.06 rolled out: check new updates, features, map improvements and more

The agent changes in Valorant patch 3.06 include some massive nerfs to Jett, the South Korean duelist who was being picked in pubs and pro games alike. The newest Valorant agent, KAY/O has received some buffs that may help him surface to the meta. Skye has also seen some adjustments that will curb her impact in the game by a margin.

Sep 24, 2021 - 02:55
Sep 25, 2021 - 01:07
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Valorant Patch Notes 3.06 rolled out: check new updates, features, map improvements and more
valorant patch 3.06

Valorant Patch 3.06 Valorant's new update was launched recently about two days ago. The patch size released is about 2.7 GB, which includes both buffs and nerfs of agents like Jett, Skye and finally Kay/O. Valorant has added some map updates as well, maps updated are Icebox, Haven, Ascent and Bind. We also have a brand new map in the game named "Fracture".

Agent Updates:


The Guiding Light or The flash of Skye [E] has been increased, which includes Unequip time after casting or bending Guiding Light’s projectile increased .5 >>> .75 and Windup time after activation before the flash goes off increased .25 >>> .3. The Seekers or The Ultimate ability of Skye [X] has been cost increased which means now Skye players will need 7 kills or Rounds before their ultimate which in our opinion is a good nerf because Skye Ultimates were really fast charging, this nerf balances the character.


The Flash/drive or The Flashbang grenade [E] of KAY/O has been buffed, which includes Duration of windup telegraph reduced 0.5s >>> 0.3s and Duration of windup telegraph reduced on Right Click 1s >>> 0.3s. Moreover, the flash pop audio or the audio attached to the in-flight projectile has been removed which gives a great advantage to KAY/O players as the opponent can't easily dodge them. The Null/cmd or The Ultimate of KAY/O [X] has been slightly changed, now KAY/O will not stop pulsing after being downed or getting knocked while in his ultimate.


Jett has been one of the most Overpowered agents in Valorant since the release in BETA. The good news for Anti-Jett players, Jett meta has been finally nerfed. The Cloudburst or The Smoke of Jett [E] has been reduced in number 3 >>> 2, each costing 200 credits. The Bladestorm or The Ultimate of Jett [X] has been nerfed, right-click/alternate Fire kills no longer recharge Jett’s kunai or her ultimate. This is one of the biggest nerfs in this patch so far. Also Right-click/Alt. fire damage changes are reverted, damage and multipliers will mirror the left-click which means Jett players now can't do those magical right-click ultimate which has no chance of missing.

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