10 Weirdest and Crazy Inventions Ever

Explore the realm of eccentricity and creativity with our list of the top 10 weirdest and craziest inventions ever made. From duck bill muzzles for dogs to head-mounted toilet paper dispensers, these unconventional creations showcase the diverse dimensions of human innovation.

Sep 1, 2023 - 10:47
Sep 1, 2023 - 10:47
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10 Weirdest and Crazy Inventions Ever
Weirdest and Crazy Inventions Ever

The world is home to over 7 billion people, and amidst them are individuals who have crafted some truly unconventional creations. While the line between genius and eccentricity can be thin, not every bizarre idea is born from brilliance. In this article, we've compiled a list of the ten oddest inventions found on the internet. While a few of these might have practical applications, their uniqueness is undeniable. Join us in exploring the realm of the weirdest and most unconventional innovations.

10. Quack- Duck Bill Muzzle For Dog

Do you have a canine companion whose incessant barking leaves you longing for some peace and quiet? Enter the Duck Bill Muzzle for Dogs. While some might find this useful, it's an undeniable fact that the concept of turning a dog into a four-legged platypus is a little bizarre. The innovation, while potentially beneficial, stands as a testament to the peculiar directions our creativity can take.

9. The Ab Hancer

Attaining chiseled abs can be an arduous journey. In our technologically advanced age, the possibility of acquiring a toned stomach without breaking a sweat seems tempting. The Ab Hancer promises just that - place it on your belly, and presto, a Ryan Gosling-like abdomen. However, the reality falls far from these claims, bordering on the realm of a hoax.

8. Ironius: The Coffee​ Mug Iron

For busy homemakers seeking multitasking solutions, the Ironius comes to the rescue. This innovative gadget allows you to enjoy sips of freshly brewed coffee while simultaneously tackling wrinkled clothes. A fusion of convenience and creativity, the Ironius represents an intriguing approach to time management.

7. Foot Powered Bike

Challenge your imagination with the Foot Powered Bike, an actual creation that swaps pedals and seats for feet and harnesses. Designed to promote urban cycling, this invention presents an enigma for those with a discerning IQ. Balancing functionality and practicality, it serves as a testament to the diversity of human ingenuity.

6. Anti-Pervert Hairy Stockings

Empowering women who prefer shorts during the summer, the Anti-Pervert Hairy Stockings present a peculiar solution. These stockings create the illusion of unshaven legs, discouraging unwanted attention. Beyond its eccentricity, it introduces a unique angle to personal comfort and social interactions.

5. Shower Mic

Unleash your inner vocalist with the Shower Mic, a sponge-based microphone that encourages impromptu bathroom performances. As a functional and amusing accessory, this invention resonates with the latent singer in us all, capturing the imagination of those who've explored its creative potential.

4. Banana Slip Case

Hailing from the land of eccentric inventions, Japan, the Banana Slip Case aims to safeguard your banana from external contaminants. While its intent is clear, the practicality of this invention raises questions, considering the natural protective peel that already serves this purpose.

3. Flask Tie

Imagine a tie that conceals a hidden bladder, offering discreet respite during stressful moments at work. The Flask Tie, an innovative accessory with a practical twist, combines form and function to cater to those seeking occasional relief.

2. Female Urination Device

A historical innovation from the 1920s, the Female Urination Device was a brainchild that aimed to provide women the ability to urinate while standing. While addressing a genuine need, its unconventional appearance adds a layer of peculiarity to its functionality.

1. Head Mounted Toilet Paper Dispenser

Claiming the top spot is the Head Mounted Toilet Paper Dispenser. With a practical use for runny noses, this dispenser's unconventional design might prompt some to pause. Balancing utility and appearance, it's a testament to how inventors navigate the realms of functionality and visual appeal.


From the amusing to the bewildering, these ten inventions remind us of the limitless boundaries of human creativity. While some may appear outlandish at first glance, they stand as proof that innovation thrives on the unconventional and unexpected.

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Sumit Sharma Sumit Sharma is the founder of CourtesyFeed. An Ordinary Person with Extra Ordinary Skills